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Maps: Highway in the Park

Commenting tip: Parkway Alternative D causes unacceptable impacts to parks, recreation value, habitat, and quality of life in Anchorage.

According to DOT, Parkway Alternative D is an arterial road. It would be up to 125 feet wide. It would be designed for 55 mph traffic, and have a maximum posted speeds of 45 mph. Conceptual design calls for it to be on a viaduct for about 3,000 feet, from the northwest corner of the Rogers Park neighborhood until after it leaves Eastchester Park. It then returns to ground level in the forest and wetlands north of Chester Creek in Sitka Street Park. The total length through parks and undeveloped, public land is about one mile. This map shows the approximate alignment.

The map below was presented by DOT. The dark black line (numbered 1) shows where the viaduct would be.

This site is not affiliated with Alaska DOT&PF, its Seward-Glenn Connection PEL Study, or any agent thereof.

Citizens for Responsible Development.

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